Talence Humpact Emploi France
Talence Humpact Emploi France is a pioneering equity fund focusing on employment in France. It has a dual objective of performance and sustainable investment. The fund seeks to deliver a net annualised performance above the CAC All Tradable NR index by investing in French companies (large and mid-caps) while seeking a positive impact on job creation in France and the social policies implemented by the companies in the portfolio.
- Creation date : 20/07/2020
- French equity funds
BFT France Emploi ISR
BFT France Emploi ISR combines the search for performance with the intention of generating an indirect positive impact on employment in France. Through its investments, the fund supports national companies that act in favour of job creation and pay particular attention to environmental, social and governance issues.
- Creation date : 22/06/2021
- French equity funds
Palatine France Emploi Durable
Palatine has transformed its Uni-Hoche fund to give it new impulse by making sustainable employment in France a key investment focus. Stock selection is based on Humpact data. Thus, Palatine France Emploi Durable combines the twofold quest to generate financial performance while providing social added value. Through this new investment discipline, Palatine aims to give meaning and long-term value to its clients’ investments.
- Creation date: 21/01/2022
- French equity funds